Thyroid FNA Cytology, Differential Diagnoses and Pitfalls

2019/05/20 17:06

Thyroid FNA Cytology, Differential Diagnoses and Pitfalls

Thyroid FNA Cytology, Differential Diagnoses and Pitfalls

シュプリンガ-から甲状腺細胞診の教科書『Thyroid FNA Cytology, Differential Diagnoses and Pitfalls』第2版20195月出版しました興味のある方は、以下のリンクをぜひご覧ください。 今まで日本語、英語の教科書は多数ありますが、欧米のガイドラインや、教科書を読み、我々の診療の場で、これを実践しても、欧米の治療成績とはならないことに気付かれていると思います。本教科書では、これを解消するために、それぞれの立場を、両論併記したことです。本書の特色は、欧米とアジアの著者が、欧米とアジアの診療の違いに焦点を当て、これらを対比しながら、それぞれの立場から解説しています。 英語で以下のように本書の特色を解説しています。 This book offers a comprehensive guide to thyroid fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology. Borderline/precursor tumors, which were introduced in the 4th edition of the WHO classification of thyroid tumors, are also incorporated. In this second edition, prominent international experts discuss the different approaches to thyroid FNA cytology employed in various countries such as Australia, Canada, China, Korea, Portugal, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, the USA, UK, Italy and Japan. The book not only covers key principles of thyroid cytopathology but also addresses technical aspects such as procedural complications, liquid-based cytology, immunocytochemistry, staining procedures, and potential pitfalls. Case-based descriptions and clinical findings, radiologic imaging, cytology, and histopathologic diagnosis – all complemented by a wealth of detailed photographs – will help reader understand and overcome many common dilemmas in daily practice. As such, the book represents an indispensable reference work for all cytopathologists, especially those practicing thyroid cytopathology.


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