100th Anniversary of Shandong University Cheeloo Colledge of Medicine


Deen professor Kong

Deen professor Kong

100th Anniversary Shandong University Cheeloo Colledge of Medicine
100th Anniversary Shandong University Cheeloo Colledge of Medicine
                    On 19th of December 2017, 100th Anniverssary of Shandon University, Cheeloo Colledge of Medicine was heald in Jinan, China.  Congratulations on 100 year anniversary for the Shandon University.

Sandon University and Wakayama Medical University have a long history of communication, student exchange, faculty exchange and academic communications under a friendship agreement.  Wakayama Medical University had a good experience with Shandon University in many fields.  All of your faculty members who visited at Wakayama Medical University gave us strong impressions.  All of them worked very hard with us and developed research collaborations. Our faculty members visited at Jinan more than 20 times under the friendship agreement.  It is amazing for us that you could continuously develop this extraordinary university to an excellence of China. I am sure that Shandon University and Wakayama Medical University, together deepen our mutual relationship continuously in the next century. I am sure that Shandon University will lead us developing our friendship communication between the 2 universities, Shandong University and Wakayama Medical University, and between China and Japan, in the next 100 years.


Heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for your continuous success. We wish you have another 100 years of good accomplishments, developments and success.


Kennichi Kakudo, MD, PhD


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