Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine

2014/10/21 17:06

                    I have an opportunity to visit at the Jiangsu Institute of Nuclear Medicine, to create a new friendship communication with Prof Daijun, Prof Jimmy and other members. They recently published a new textbook of thyroid cytology, ”甲状腺細胞病理図譜、人民軍医出版社、ISBN 978-7-5091-6180-7”, the first textbook of thyroid cytology written in Chinese language.  Its remarkable point is that most of their illustrations are from HE stained conventional smear samples, significantly different from Papanicoloau stain.  These are good illustrations and have a good correlation to HE features in histology. I found that dry artifacts did not create any problems in samples stained with HE in comparison to those often create serious staining problems in Papanicoloau samples. They have a good teamwork for patients with thyroid diseases and composed of  pathologists, endocrinologists, surgeons and radiologists.  I found they have more than 1500 thyroid surgerys including more than 700 cancer cases per year.      


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